Breath and Bone epub

Breath and Bone epub
Breath and Bone
Author: Carol Berg
ISBN-10: 045146186X
ISBN-13: 9780451461865
Publish Date: January 2nd 2008
Publisher: Roc Trade
Pages of Book: 449 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fantasy
As the land of Navronne sinks deeper into civil war and perilous winter, everyone wants to get their hands on the rebellious sorcerer Valen -a murderous priestess, a prince who steals dead men’s eyes, and even the Danae guardians, whose magic nurtures the earth and whose attention could prove the most costly of all.
Addicted to an enchantment that turns pain into pleasure -and bound by oaths he refuses to abandon- Valen risks body and soul to rescue one child, seek justice for another, and bring the dying land its rightful king.
Yet no one is who they seem, and Valen’s search for healing grace leads him from Harrower dungeons to alien shores. Only at the heart of the world does he discover the glorious, terrible price of the land’s redemption-and his own.
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