Checkmate epub

Checkmate epub
Checkmate ebook
Series: Neighbor from Hell #3
Author: R.L. Mathewson
Publish Date: October 29th 2012
Publisher: Avon
Pages of Book: 350 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Romance
There’s nothing worse than living next door to your childhood nemesis, except maybe being forced to share your dream project with him, being blackmailed into going along with something that was just wrong on so many levels, and having your hot cocoa stolen by the person that drove you to drink it in the first place.
As long as she has plenty of hot cocoa, a pair of pliers on hand and is able to resist Connor O’Neil’s bad boy charm then Rory James should be able to make it through this project with her sanity intact. If not…
She’d probably face a few more nights in jail, have a few more restraining orders slapped against her and lose her heart to the man that ruined her life.
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