Millionaire Teacher epub

Millionaire Teacher epub
Millionaire Teacher ebook
Author: Andrew Hallam
ISBN-10: 0470830069
ISBN-13: 9780470830069
Publish Date: November 1st 2011
Publisher: Wiley
Pages of Book: 184 pages
Language: English
Genre: self happy, business, education
The incredible story of how a schoolteacher built a million-dollar portfolio, and how you can too Most people wouldn’t expect a schoolteacher to amass a million-dollar investment account. But Andrew Hallam did so, long before the typical retirement age. And now, with Millionaire Teacher, he wants to show you how to follow in his footsteps. With lively humor and the simple clarity you’d expect from a gifted educator, Hallam demonstrates how average people can build wealth in the stock market by shunning the investment products peddled by most financial advisors and avoiding the get-rich-quicker products concocted by an ever widening, self-serving industry.
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