Legion epub

Legion epub
Legion ebook
Author: Julie Kagawa
ISBN-10: 184845516X
ISBN-13: 978184845516X
Publish Date: April 25th 2017
Publisher: MIRA Ink
Pages of Book: 384 pages
Language: English
Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy Fiction
It’s no secret I’m one of the few people (among those I know or follow) who are still deeply involved with this series. I cherish and am obsessed with Garret, adore Riley and the rest of the crew, have a love/hate relationship with Ember, and generally am knee-deep in Kagawa’s perilous fantasy story-telling abilities. The end of Soldier (and all of Soldier, really, in my opinion) was by far one of my favorite endings to a book-ever. But, even Kagawa can’t always be perfect.
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