Wide Sargasso Sea epub

Wide Sargasso Sea epub
Wide Sargasso Sea ebook
Author: Jean Rhys
ISBN-10: 0393352560
ISBN-13: 9780393352560
Publish Date: January 25th 2016
Publisher: W. W. Norton Company
Pages of Book: 171 pages
Language: English
Genre: Romance novel, Historical Fiction, Parallel novel
Wide Sargasso Sea, a masterpiece of modern fiction, was Jean Rhys’s return to the literary center stage. She had a startling early career and was known for her extraordinary prose and haunting women characters. With Wide Sargasso Sea, her last and best-selling novel, she ingeniously brings into light one of fiction’s most fascinating characters: the madwoman in the attic from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. This mesmerizing work introduces us to Antoinette Cosway, a sensual and protected young woman who is sold into marriage to the prideful Mr. Rochester. Rhys portrays Cosway amidst a society so driven by hatred, so skewed in its sexual relations, that it can literally drive a woman out of her mind.
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