Black Dahlia Avenger epub

Black Dahlia Avenger epub
Black Dahlia Avenger ebook
Author: Steve Hodel
ISBN-10: 9780061139611
ISBN-13: 9780061139611
Publish Date: July 25th 2006
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Pages of Book: 624 pages
Language: English
Genre: Biography, True crime
In 1947, California’s infamous Black Dahlia murder inspired the largest manhunt in Los Angeles history. Despite an unprecedented allocation of money and manpower, police investigators failed to identify the psychopath responsible for the sadistic murder and mutilation of beautiful twenty-two-year-old Elizabeth Short. Decades later, former LAPD homicide detective-turned-private investigator Steve Hodel launched his own investigation into the grisly unsolved crime—and it led him to a shockingly unexpected perpetrator: Hodel’s own fath
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