Carpe Jugulum epub

Carpe Jugulum epub
Carpe Jugulum ebook
Series: Discworld (Book 23)
Author: Terry Pratchett
ISBN-10: 0062280147
ISBN-13: 978-0062280145
Publish Date: (April 29, 2014)
Publisher: Harper
Pages of Book: 416 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
King Verence, in a fit of enlightened democracy and ebullient goodwill, invites Uberwald’s undead, the Magpyrs, into Lancre to celebrate the birth of his daughter. But everyone knows you don’t invite vampires into your house—unless you want permanent guests. Once ensconced within the castle, these wine-drinking, garlic-eating, sun-loving modern vampires have no intention of leaving . . . ever. As the Lancre living are about to discover, there’s only one way to fight. Go for the throat, or as the vampyres themselves say . . . Carpe Jugulum!
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