Change of Heart epub

Change of Heart
Change of Heart epub ebook
Author: Jude Deveraux
ISBN-10: 1476779724
ISBN-13: 978-1476779720
Publish Date: (October 21, 2014)
Publisher: Pocket Books
Pages of Book: 400 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Simply unforgettable and moving, powerful. The novel is journey of two best friends who went their separate ways in life, the foundations of the story have been built by the author Jude Deveraux in a novella she had written; the novella contained a glimpse of the friendship of the two when they had been younger. It combines love and passion with a touch of sweet unexpected twists and turns; the novel also suggests some insight into the relationship of Frank and Miranda who are the protagonists in the previous novella that builds the foundations for this one.
The novel takes to the pinnacle when Eli and Chelsea finally meet each other again and while they never thought they would meet, when they finally have met they find each other very attractive and a certain aura of acceptance is felt by both of them for each other. Eli bought a house in his father’s home town, Edilean, Virginia. Chelsea went for a shot at love for Eli knowing that she had been unprepared for the changes she saw in him. This confusion was nonetheless now woven into their lives but turmoil had its own way of hurling towards them, now they faced a family mystery; they were both unprepared for it. The question is, are they compatible? Will everything be okay?
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