Sorcery and the Single Girl epub

Sorcery and the Single Girl
Sorcery and the Single Girl ebook
Author: Mindy Klasky
ISBN-13: 9780373895631
Publish Date: October 2007
Publisher: Red Dress Ink
Pages of Book: 400 pages
Language: English
Genre: Humour, Fiction, Romance novel,Contemporary romance,
Unfortunately, nose-wiggling doesn’t cut it in real life. So witch or not, Jane Madison must deal with her insane work schedule, best-friend drama and romantic dry spell like everyone else.
But now the exclusive Washington Coven wants Jane to join. This could be a dream come true for the magical misfit, or it could be the most humiliating experience of her life. Either way, the crap’s gonna hit the cauldron because Jane is about to be tested in ways she’s never imagined — and, pass or fail, nothing will ever be the same.
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