The Healers Apprentice epub

The Healers Apprentice epub
The Healers Apprentice ebook
Author: Melanie Dickerson
ISBN-10: 0310721431
ISBN-13: 9780310721437
Series: Fairy Tales
Publish Date: September 15, 2010
Publisher: Zondervan
Pages of Book: 272 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Rose has been appointed as a healer’s apprentice at Hagenheim Castle, a rare opportunity for a woodcutter’s daughter like her. While she often feels uneasy at the sight of blood, Rose is determined to prove herself capable. Failure will mean returning home to marry the aging bachelor her mother has chosen for her—a bloated, disgusting merchant who makes Rose feel ill.
When Lord Hamlin, the future duke, is injured, it is Rose who must tend to him. As she works to heal his wound, she begins to understand emotions she’s never felt before and wonders if he feels the same.
But falling in love is forbidden, as Lord Hamlin is betrothed to a mysterious young woman in hiding. As Rose’s life spins toward confusion, she must take the first steps on a journey to discover her own destiny.
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