This Scepter’d Isle epub

This Scepter’d Isle epub
This Scepter’d Isle ebook
Series: Doubled Edge #1
Author: Mercedes Lackey, Roberta Gellis
ISBN-10: 0743498895
ISBN-13: 9780743498890
Publish Date: February 1st 2005
Publisher: Baen
Pages of Book: 662 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fantasy
God Save the Queen! (With the help of the Sidhe of Elfland . . .) Two Masters of Historical Fantasy Join Forces in a New Epic-First Time in Paperback!
The FarSeers among the Sidhe of Elfhame Avalon have seen two visions of the future. In one, an evil queen will take the throne and welcome the Inquisition in, debauching the nation and threatening even the elf strongholds throughout the land. In another, a red-haired child will grow up to take the throne and usher in a golden age of literature, music, and art. The evil Unseleighe Sidhe, who draw power from pain and misery, welcome the coming of a ruler of humans who will increase their strength, and are determined to prevent the red-haired child from coming to the throne. Unless the good Sidhe can find the child and protect her from the evils and dangers of both the human and elven worlds, she will never grow up to become Elizabeth, Queen of England in the Sixteenth Century.
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